(Warning: Contents in this blog are not suitable for young children)
Now that Valentine's Day is over, Can we talk?
Just think...
Every 9 1/2 minutes someone in the United States is infected with HIV.
Every 35 minutes a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States.
1 in 4 Americans living with HIV/AIDS are women. And African-American women are most affected.
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death among African-American women aged 25-34.
An estimated 56,300 Americans are newly infected with HIV each year.
There are approximately 1.2 million Americans who are living with HIV/AIDS.
The CDC estimates that 21% of people don't know that they are HIV positive, thereby they may be transmitting HIV without knowing it.
People of color are at disproportionate risk for HIV infection.
**Statistical Data from Aids.gov website***
So, what does all of this mean for us? Why should we care? Is this our problem?
Many times among religious circles we shy away from discussing activities and behaviors we see as ungodly, worldly, or controversial. We have to face the fact that HIV/AIDS is not going away, as there is no cure to date. Often we only want to know "How" the person contracted HIV. If it was through blood transfusion, we are ok. But if it was through men having sex with men, men on the down low, men who have been incarcerated, or drug use, we have a problem with it.
I am not trying to advocate ungodly lifestyles- sin is sin. I only want to make sure we address what is taking place in our communities. We have to educate our girls, young women, and women about these critical issues. Many of us women," fall in love," forget God's laws of abstinence- until marriage. We start having unprotected sex with men that we know have been with everyone- in and out of jail. On and off drugs- yet we fail to protect ourselves. First by not following God's law to wait, then by not using protection.
We have to wake up.. The statistics are alarming, and they continue to get worst. This is our HIV/AIDS Awareness wake up call. Please take heed.. Abstinence first..
We will share more in a future blog regarding marital relations when you are unsure if your partner is being faithful. We will also include the male perspective.
But for now, Please...Wake up!!
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