Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! It's Resurrection Sunday!

Greetings, here is a message I shared with the youth on Easter Sunday at Clay Street Baptist Church in Shelbyville, KY. Be blessed!

Good Morning young people! You all look so beautiful!

Today we have an exciting lesson.
The scripture for today is coming from Matthew 28: 5-6a.

It reads as follows:
5. And the angel answered and said unto the women, fear not ye, for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.

6a. He is not here for he is risen, as he said. .

The title of today’s message is: Where is Jesus?

In our text we see the women of God looking for Jesus. They wanted to know: Where is Jesus? Then we see the angel of the Lord telling them Do not be afraid, I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. The angel goes on to say and tells them He is not here! He has risen!

As we celebrate Easter/Resurrection Sunday let us always keep our focus on Jesus.
This is the Sunday which we celebrate the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. He got up from the grave with all power in his hand, so that we may have life. This is resurrection Sunday!

Resurrection means: Christ being raised from the dead after his death and burial. ( Today is not about the Easter bunny, it is about Jesus. The one who died on the cross for our sins, and on the third day, he rose from the dead so that we may have life. We celebrate the risen Savior.

Romans 10:9 says: If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Many people today are still asking the question: Where is Jesus?
They are looking for him in all the wrong places. Going day after day without knowing Where Jesus is.

Some may ask: Where is Jesus…

When we have natural disasters like the tsunami and nuclear spill in Japan, fighting in Libya, civil unrest in the Ivory Coast, Injustices in the Sudan and Congo- and human suffering in so many places.

Some people ask: Where is Jesus?

When marriages and families are splitting up, when kids do not have a mother or they do not have a father, many are left as orphans due to Drugs, Alcohol, HIV/AIDS, Prison and neglect.

Some ask Where is Jesus?

When kids suffer from leukemia, sickle cell, lupus, cancer, multiple sclerosis, obesity and other illnesses. When people are hurting, kids are being abused, and our loved ones are dying.

You may say, Where is Jesus? Why didn’t he protect me from this or that? Why didn’t he help me? Where was Jesus when I needed him the most?

Well, I can hear Jesus saying to us today:

I am your bridge over trouble waters.
I am a Mother to the motherless, a Father to the fatherless.
I am Bread and water to the hungry.
I am shelter to the homeless.
I am doctor for the sick.

In Exodus 3:14 God told Moses, I Am that I Am.

Meaning that, I am big enough, bad enough, and tough enough to handle your problems. I am right there with you. I got your back. I am taking care of you, making a way for you, protecting you.

Yes, even when you don’t feel me, I feel you! I understand you. I am working it out for you. Just hang on in there, trust me, hold on, and don’t give up. It isn't over till God’s says it over. Remember, the battle is not yours it’s the Lords.

Young people this is our hope today. Jesus has risen. He is alive! This is the good news today. Let us rejoice in knowing that Jesus is alive. Today is Resurrection Sunday!

If in your heart you do not know Where Jesus is, please, talk to someone to find out more about this Jesus. It does not matter if you 3 or 103. Your life will never be the same once you find out Where Jesus is. Amen.

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