Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Are Your Relationships?

Are you giving them what they need?

The quality of ones life is normally based on the quality of relationships you have in your life. Generally, if you have good relationships in your life, you are happy and satisfied, and your demeanor shows it.

And, if you have mostly bad relationships in your life, you are generally unhappy and miserable and your demeanor shows it. So relationships are important. They can make us or break us.

I can remember at the start of this year, I had three great relationships in my life. Not intimate. Just great, powerful, influential people that I was drawn to. My life was so full. But now, as the year nears an end, all of those relationships have gone-except one. And I am left wondering why?

You may have had a similar experience. You were in a great relationship and then boom all of the sudden its gone...never to return. You ask yourself, what went wrong? I thought this person was the one. Now what?

First remember God is in control. No matter what things may look like. God is still in control.

Second, this is a good time to evaluate. Do not try to go out and get someone to fill the void. Instead, take this time to reflect. Ask yourself did you give them what they needed, or was it all about you?

Third, allow time to heal your pain. Cry if you need to... Just allow yourself the time it takes to heal. Don't try to win that person back. Accept that it is over and move on. The saying below is true:

"Relationships are like broken glass. Sometimes it better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting them back together."

In the case of a married couple: reconciliation should always be the goal.

In this season when we are supposed to be Happy for Thanksgiving and Merry for Christmas, some of us may find ourselves in a slump.

I encourage you to check yourself for signs of depression.

The main difference between being just sad vs. depressed is:

*If you are sad, when things get better, you are better.
*If you are depressed, even when things get better, you are still not better.

Please get help if you need it.

Remember to take care of yourself. Get enough rest, try to exercise, and try to eat healthy.

To you and yours, have a Blessed Holiday Season!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Your Latter Will Be Greater Than Your Past..

Here is a true story I thought you might enjoy.

"Once upon a time there was this little girl who lived near a forest. Each Sunday she went to the little church in the woods. She went to Sunday school at the little church in the woods. In her Sunday School classes she would learn all about God. They played bible games, did bible crafts, and memorized scriptures. The little girl enjoyed going to the little church in the woods. She accepted Jesus Christ and began to grow and grow in the knowledge of the Bible and the things of God. As a teenager, the little girl was chosen to teach adults the Bible. She loved explaining God’s Holy Word.

The little girl traveled out west to work with gang members. She enjoyed working and sharing the Bible with members of the Cripts and the Bloods gangs. But one day, the Cripts and the Blood gang members began shooting their guns. The little girl got caught in the middle of the gunfire and was in danger. But God protected the little girl and she was safe. That incident did not stop the little girl from continuing to help others.

The little girl then went in full time ministry to be the Director of a Youth Center in the inner city. The little girl enjoyed sharing her faith and working with at risk youth. But one day some local teenagers were high on drugs and alcohol and started fighting in the Youth Center. They damaged the property and slashed the tires of the staff. The police had to come to settle them down. The little girl was in danger, but God kept her safe. This did not stop the little girl from continuing to follow God.

The next journey the little girl took was to be a missionary in a land far, far way. She went to a land where the people looked different and spoke a different language; they even ate different food that the little girl was not use to. She had to eat rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, and rice for dinner!.. And the most of the people there never had a bible and they did not believe in God.

When the little girl arrived to the far land, some people mocked her and laughed at her. They even spit at her. A crowd of people yelled to her, “ You (expletive) you don’t belong here. But the little girl did not let that stop her. She continued to reach out and help others. She stayed, and by the time she left, everyone in the village loved her. They gave her gifts, hugs and cried when she left. They said, “Don’t forget us, we love you.” The little girl said, “I will never forget you. You will be with me wherever I go. “

Then the little girl got married. Her and her husband was so excited about having a baby. But then tragedy struck and the baby died a couple months after being born. This devastated the little girl. But she continued on serving God. And God blessed them with two more children.

The little girl began to grow and prosper in all that she did. She lived in a nice big house, had a nice car, a good job. She was living her dream, while also working with troubled youth from New York. But then tragedy struck again, and she lost almost everything. The little girl’s life began to spiral out of control. She hit bottom. The little girl did not think she was going to make it out this time. But God protected the little girl once again and she was safe."

Where is this little girl now? Well,I am the little girl in the story. That’s my story.

You see now I am trusting and believing God that my latter will be greater than my past. How about you?

Just as Pastor Harvill led Cross Street in building the beautiful new sanctuary. That is just a taste of what God is getting ready to do at Cross Street. God is just setting us up for things to come. Our latter will be greater than our past.

Similarly in your life, your latter, will be greater than your past. Meaning the best is yet to come. So hang on in there. Don't give up. Don't give in, stay on your knees, keep trusting God, keep following His will, stay in His word, and stay on the battlefield. Remember saints of God, the best yet to come and your latter days will be greater than your past!

Be Blessed.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up...

During Bible Study, Pastor Harvill was teaching about the yoke coming from Matthew 11:28-30. Which says:

28) Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29) Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart;and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

This is a passage of scripture I continue to struggle with. For some reason, I want to have the rest, but not the yoke. A friend of mine who is a Theologian and Bible Scholar, and I were discussing this this very passage of scripture about 10-15 years ago. I can remember it as if it was yesterday. And yet, 10-15 years later, I still have not taken Jesus' offer of an easy yoke. I had to ask myself why?

Could it be that I have a problem with submission to authority? Or could it be that somehow I think it is a badge of honor to carry all of these burdens. Could it be that I want to stay loosely connected to Jesus and not all wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up with Him. Or maybe it is that I consider myself a free spirit, an independent thinker, and I want to be free to go and do as I please.

What is it that is keeping me from taking Jesus' offer of an easy yoke? Why am I up worrying all night, when I could be resting- if I just took the easy yoke.

As I pondered over this, I thought about the Kentucky Derby. This is an elite race among horses. These horses are trained and well cared for. Some of these horses live in luxurious stables with the best amenities that money can buy. They are prized possessions. On the other hand, there are horses that live in the wild. They run wild and are untamed. You can not put a saddle on them. All their lives they run in the wild- caring and fending for themselves.

The Kentucky Derby horses all have a bridle/yoke, the other horses do not. The Kentucky Derby horses are kept, well cared for, protected and safe. The other horses are unkept,not cared for, not protected, and not safe.

The bridle/yoke is a tool used for submission, bringing under control, taming. It is used to train, lead, direct; without it the horses would run wild. But once the horse have a bridle/yoke, they can be used to do great things, like win the Kentucky Derby. They become valuable, prized possessions. But without it, they are not useful. The horse may be strong, talented but without the bridle/yoke they in essence are useless because they cannot be tamed.

Similar to us, we also need the bridle/yoke otherwise we too would run wild. Out of control, unkept, unprotected. So you see this bridle/yoke is necessary for the Christian who seeks to be used by God. To be useful in His service, we must have the bridle/yoke on. Otherwise we would run wild and be untamed..just like the horse.

So then, why still am I having trouble taking the yoke Jesus offered. The main reason is : Pride.

The enemy tells us, it doesn't take all that, there is a short cut, we don't really have to take the yoke. We don't need to be all wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up in Jesus. Just being loosely connected is enough.

Only when we get a glimpse of the "Kentucky Derby" Christians who took the yoke and we see they are well kept, well cared for, protected and safe. Then we begin to wonder why our lives are in the mess it is in. Why are we so unkept, untamed, uncared for, fending for ourselves-out in the wild. This is mainly because we have not taken the bridle/yoke. We are out in the wild.

The yoke Jesus offers, is a two person instrument with you on one side, and Jesus on the other side. Symbolizing you submitting to Jesus and being connected to Him. He carries the load as you follow His lead and direction. You are tamed, under His control, disciplined, kept, safe, protected, well cared for.

If you, like me want to now take Jesus' offer of an easy yoke as in Matthew 11:28-30 and you are tired of being out in the wild- unkept, uncared for, fending for yourself..

Let us take Jesus at His word and begin this process today, together... Step by step, one day at a time. Taking the rest and easy yoke Jesus wants us to have.

Email me: atthecrossblog@gmail.com.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Call To Worship..

People were made by God to worship.

The question is not whether we worship, but what or who do we worship. Some of us choose to worship God. Others choose to worship money, other people, fancy cars, favorite sports, hobbies, secular music, false gods.

There is no two ways about it.. Either we are worshipping God or we are worshipping things of the world. It is either one or the other. If you are not worshipping the true and living God, you are worshipping the world. We have to be aware of this principle.

Worship is a lifestyle. Just because you are in church Sunday morning, does not necessarily mean you are worshipping God. So what is the difference?

Let's take a look at what the Bible says.

John 4:23-24

23."But the hour cometh, an now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

24. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth."

This is the starting place..

A question you can ask yourself is, do I take the time each day to praise and worship God, or do I wait until Sunday morning to praise Him for His blessings?

Another question to ask yourself is does my worship of God depend on how I feel, or what is going on in my life? If I feel good, I worship God.. If I don't feel good, I don't worship God..The answer to these questions will give you an idea of where you are.

But it is not too late to become a true worshipper! God desires and longs for our total worship and praise. Worship is a continuous praise... You can begin today to worship and praise our awesome God-just for who He is.

To help you begin, He is:

Jehovah Jirah- My Provider
Jehovah Nissi- My Banner
Jehovah Rapha- My Healer,
Jehovah Roni- My Shepard
Jehovah Shalom- My Peace
Yahweh- I AM,
Adonai- My Great Lord!

To God Be the Glory!

Prayerfully ponder over this information.. We can discuss more regarding worship in a future blog.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Prayers of the Righteous...

I'm not sure about you- but it seems each day I find myself in desperate need of a "touch from God." I am not sure what is going on, but most days I am just pressing my way through the day. Trying to meet the expectations of being a mother, wife, employee, leader, church member, loving teacher, counselor. Trying to find the right balance and juggling everything. Sadly to say most days things get out of control. The kids, the spouse, the job, the bills, the family, the friends. That's when I have to take a moment and cry out to God for help.

In my crying and desperation, God always comes through. He gives me enough strength to make it another day. He provides manna for the day. My question is "Can I have more manna to keep me through the week?" I believe, as with the Israelites, God provides manna just for the day, so we can learn to trust and depend 100% on Him.

If your are going through a struggle right now, just remember God hears the prayers of the righteous. He will always come through. Just call on Him today. He will hear you. He will give you the manna you need to make it. He will be your bridge over troubled waters. Allow God to move in your situation. To make the impossible possible. He can make a way out of no way. Let's pray together right now touching and agreeing:

"Dear God, we cry out to you now. We need you to step in our situation. We ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to move in our time of need. God we don't have anyone else to call on. Everyone has turned their backs on us. But God we know you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. So God we ask for your help. Lord, we thank you. And we count it as done in Jesus' name we pray. Amen."

We would love to hear from you. Your thoughts,your struggles, how God has provided manna for you. Post a comment and share.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Relationships 101: Hurry Up and Wait!

I pray that everyone had a fun and relaxing summer break….It is with great pleasure that I write you. God has been so good, and I am so thankful for His faithfulness. As I paraphrase the song that says, “I’ve had my good days and I have had my bad days, but my good days outweigh the bad days. So, I won’t complain.” That is my testimony today. I won’t complain. These words help me realize that no matter how bad or bleak things may look, there is always someone worst off than you. A game that my daughter learned from her theater class is called, “Roses and Thorns”. In this game, each person shares their Roses: the good things that happened, the things they like. And their Thorns: the things they didn’t like. I began to realize that my life is full of Roses. But somehow I always get caught dwelling on the Thorns. Just think how rewarding our lives would be, if we would enjoy all the Roses in our lives..
The message I want to share in this newsletter is about waiting on God. Many times we get in a hurry. We want this, we want that.. We feel as if we can not make it if we do not get what we want. I want to encourage you today to wait on God . Don’t get in a hurry and move before God’s appointed time. Many times when we get ahead of God- disaster awaits. We end up with a broken heart, shattered dreams, unwanted pregnancies, sexual transmitted diseases, loneliness and more pain. Only if we would have just waited. The song says, “You can’t hurry God you just have to wait. He may not come when you want Him, but He is right on time.” So to avoid more heartache and more heartbreak wait on God.
If you are single, don’t go out and find you someone. Wait on God. If you are married, don’t give up on your marriage. Wait on God. We have to learn how to trust God to do the impossible. Many of us have experienced how God moved mightily in our situation. It just does not pay to go ahead of God’s timing. The question is what do you do while you are waiting…
The Bible gives many examples of what to do and what not to do while we are waiting. Abraham and Sarah showed us what not to do when they made a plan on their own to help Abraham become a father before God’s time. (Genesis 16).The marriage between Ruth and Boaz shows how God can make an unlikely situation possible. (Ruth 3 & 4).
So what should we be doing while we are waiting on God promises? A good place to start is in prayer. Asking God to give you more strength, more faith to trust Him. In no way is this task of waiting easy, but it is necessary. I look forward to sharing more with you on this topic. But for now please, Hurry Up and Wait!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

By Faith..

Greetings once again,

In the next few blogs, I will be sharing about trusting God by faith..
With God, all things are possible.

B Blessed.


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We have just launched our Church's blog spot geared for youth and young adults.

It is our prayer, that this blog allow us to stay connected and grow in our faith. We have the opportunity to reach the masses through this blog spot. We are excited about what God is doing in our lives!

Please stay tuned.. We will hear more from our anointed, dynamic, awesome Pastor and as well as other leaders. You don't want to miss it!