Thursday, November 5, 2009

Your Latter Will Be Greater Than Your Past..

Here is a true story I thought you might enjoy.

"Once upon a time there was this little girl who lived near a forest. Each Sunday she went to the little church in the woods. She went to Sunday school at the little church in the woods. In her Sunday School classes she would learn all about God. They played bible games, did bible crafts, and memorized scriptures. The little girl enjoyed going to the little church in the woods. She accepted Jesus Christ and began to grow and grow in the knowledge of the Bible and the things of God. As a teenager, the little girl was chosen to teach adults the Bible. She loved explaining God’s Holy Word.

The little girl traveled out west to work with gang members. She enjoyed working and sharing the Bible with members of the Cripts and the Bloods gangs. But one day, the Cripts and the Blood gang members began shooting their guns. The little girl got caught in the middle of the gunfire and was in danger. But God protected the little girl and she was safe. That incident did not stop the little girl from continuing to help others.

The little girl then went in full time ministry to be the Director of a Youth Center in the inner city. The little girl enjoyed sharing her faith and working with at risk youth. But one day some local teenagers were high on drugs and alcohol and started fighting in the Youth Center. They damaged the property and slashed the tires of the staff. The police had to come to settle them down. The little girl was in danger, but God kept her safe. This did not stop the little girl from continuing to follow God.

The next journey the little girl took was to be a missionary in a land far, far way. She went to a land where the people looked different and spoke a different language; they even ate different food that the little girl was not use to. She had to eat rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, and rice for dinner!.. And the most of the people there never had a bible and they did not believe in God.

When the little girl arrived to the far land, some people mocked her and laughed at her. They even spit at her. A crowd of people yelled to her, “ You (expletive) you don’t belong here. But the little girl did not let that stop her. She continued to reach out and help others. She stayed, and by the time she left, everyone in the village loved her. They gave her gifts, hugs and cried when she left. They said, “Don’t forget us, we love you.” The little girl said, “I will never forget you. You will be with me wherever I go. “

Then the little girl got married. Her and her husband was so excited about having a baby. But then tragedy struck and the baby died a couple months after being born. This devastated the little girl. But she continued on serving God. And God blessed them with two more children.

The little girl began to grow and prosper in all that she did. She lived in a nice big house, had a nice car, a good job. She was living her dream, while also working with troubled youth from New York. But then tragedy struck again, and she lost almost everything. The little girl’s life began to spiral out of control. She hit bottom. The little girl did not think she was going to make it out this time. But God protected the little girl once again and she was safe."

Where is this little girl now? Well,I am the little girl in the story. That’s my story.

You see now I am trusting and believing God that my latter will be greater than my past. How about you?

Just as Pastor Harvill led Cross Street in building the beautiful new sanctuary. That is just a taste of what God is getting ready to do at Cross Street. God is just setting us up for things to come. Our latter will be greater than our past.

Similarly in your life, your latter, will be greater than your past. Meaning the best is yet to come. So hang on in there. Don't give up. Don't give in, stay on your knees, keep trusting God, keep following His will, stay in His word, and stay on the battlefield. Remember saints of God, the best yet to come and your latter days will be greater than your past!

Be Blessed.